I've had my nose in
The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal these past few days. I can't seem to figure out how to balance myself and this new life, and my Hopkins prof nonchalantly mentioned it during our class last Wednesday. I think it was the droopy, dark eyes that inspired her to check on the entire class's well-being. All of us are dragging ourselves through hell, not because it is hell but because we're young, new, and naive and don't know how to do this teaching as advocate thing very well.
So yes this book is geared towards a lot of people I don't know how to even relate to, but the concepts are logical. We'll never have more time, no matter how many time-saving tricks we try to evoke. Therefore, all we can do is prioritize purposes and maximize our energy flow throughout the day. I'm going to power-through this book and see if there's some common sense that can be applied to the every day. I'll let you know whether it's worth a purchase, as I'm still not sold.
In the meantime, I continue to yo-yo between teaching, planning, social life, cocktail parties for the non-profit, mayoral visit, grad classes, etc. I'm hoping for two snow days in a row. Now that would be fucking awesome. Especially after being thrown into the waves of administrative chaos this past week. I went from being yelled at, to nurtured, to receiving roses and certificates (5 -
jeez) during our staff meeting after school today. We'll see.