Thoughts on Randomness & Predictability
1. When I listen to music, the CD must be on random. My iPod's my bitch, because every CD I own is on random all at once. It's a new high that I never tire from.
2. When I order food at a restaurant, I pick three things I know I like or would like to try. Then I make the waiter/waitress pick a number.
3. I vocalize my stream of consciousness. Probably too much.
4. When I teach creative writing, I let go of educational theory and let my randomness enter the room. Hence, requiring my shy students to holler down the hallway, "Conflict!" Of course they were answering my questioning scream of what does every story have?
5. When I become turned around while driving, I relish in the unexpected occurrence and enjoy the random challenge.
6. I love teaching because my students say the most random shit, in which my randomness is instigated (however, I then oppress my spirit to bring us back to our educational opportunity).
7. I observe people quietly while they are talking, and usually I offer them random compliments that really have nothing to do with our current conversation - even though I still absorbed the conversation.
8. I like Faulkner. He seems random, but isn't.
9. I've never actually been bored in my entire life, that I can remember. Everything around me is somehow interesting or thought-provoking. It doesn't matter what it is.
10. Since I have a clear pattern of random randomness, I think that means I'm not random at all.
2. When I order food at a restaurant, I pick three things I know I like or would like to try. Then I make the waiter/waitress pick a number.
3. I vocalize my stream of consciousness. Probably too much.
4. When I teach creative writing, I let go of educational theory and let my randomness enter the room. Hence, requiring my shy students to holler down the hallway, "Conflict!" Of course they were answering my questioning scream of what does every story have?
5. When I become turned around while driving, I relish in the unexpected occurrence and enjoy the random challenge.
6. I love teaching because my students say the most random shit, in which my randomness is instigated (however, I then oppress my spirit to bring us back to our educational opportunity).
7. I observe people quietly while they are talking, and usually I offer them random compliments that really have nothing to do with our current conversation - even though I still absorbed the conversation.
8. I like Faulkner. He seems random, but isn't.
9. I've never actually been bored in my entire life, that I can remember. Everything around me is somehow interesting or thought-provoking. It doesn't matter what it is.
10. Since I have a clear pattern of random randomness, I think that means I'm not random at all.
1. Yup
2. FUN. I will try this one!
3. Uh...ME!
4. Not a teacher, but this is a stellar picture. I must try this on some of my shy friends.
5. Not me, but only because it happens all.the.time. I have gotten lost going the 3 blocks to work (Seriously. Sad, ain't it?)
6.I love randomness and discussion with teenagers, but wouldn't have the discipline to get back on track.
7. I never shut up. Listening better is a skill that I will keep trying to improve.
8. He was a bit difficult for me at first, but I appreciated him more as I got older.
9. I get board, but I make my own fun, so it doesn't last for long.
10. AMEN. I am not nearly as random as people's part of my master plan to manipulate the masses and then take over the world.
I really like this post, btw.
Posted by Loralee Choate | 1:50 AM freaking way to #1 and 2. you know how i am with food, and i program my cd player to play the tracks of a cd in a specific order :)
yeah - i'm a control freak but i'm random in the classroom. remember the coconut day?
Posted by Julie | 11:36 AM
but why are people so scared of dandelions?
Posted by Laura | 5:22 PM